Our newest Half project
Posted by Kevin Salwen on 05.10.2010Share

If you've heard us speak in person or in interviews, Hannah and I always talk about how we never expect anyone else to sell their house for their Half project. Instead, we think people can find their own half -- whether it's time, talent or treasure. And of course the entry point can be MUCH less sizable. The point is, of course, that Half is both accessible and measurable regardless of size.

So, our family has been testing a few simple ones by cleaning out half the food in our pantry and half the clothes in Joseph's dresser (that was more of a reflection of how much the boy has grown). Other people have told us about their own tests, including cutting their online time in half to free up time for volunteering.

About 45 days ago, Joan brought us an idea that we have quietly been trying after we unanimously voted it in: We have shut down our air-conditioning system for April, May and June. No A-C for 3 months. Yes, we live in Hotlanta. And yes, pollen season is in ridiculously full bloom, flowing in through our screen windows. But... Ha! Sweating and sneezing is for wimps.

Our goal of this Half project is to cut our electric bill in half. We spent $504 last year in those three months -- WAY less, by the way, than we did the year before in the big old house. Our plan is to donate half of the $504 -- our savings, we hope -- to an Atlanta charity that helps people struggling with their own utility bills.

Yes, we expect to have some 90-plus degree days in the next month and a half. And we know there may be some uncomfortable nights without the help of our Georgia Power-juiced HVAC system. But that's a minor inconvenience, especially when we think of the people who struggle regularly with their utility bills.

Might have a buy an extra deodorant still for this one....
