We're back (with a suggestion)
Posted by Kevin Salwen on 09.07.2011Share

Been a while since we've blogged here on the site. It's been a busy spring and summer and we've shipped Hannah off to New York University for the next chapter of her life.

So, it's time to start blogging again. I'll circle back around with some updates, but I wanted to quickly post about an opportunity to help end malaria -- yes, YOU can save a life -- while you get great insights from 60 terrific thinkers.

Simply buy End Malaria from Amazon, either on Kindle for $20 or in paperback for $25. The authors all worked for free and $20 from each sale goes to buying malaria nets. Yes, every penny of the Kindle price and 4/5 of the paperback price. And you get a book with lots of smart essays from Seth Godin, Dave Ramsey, Alan Webber, Patrick Lenzioni, etc etc etc.

Today is End Malaria Day, and we can make good happen with a simple purchase of a book that helps others and helps us at the same time. It's the biggest no-brainer ever.

I'm so dissappointed in comments like yours, Sara. There is no way anyone can "win" with an attitude like yours. This family donated a huge sum of money, which they didn't have to, to change lives of people that were desperately in need. For you to point out that they still have money and that to suggest that their contribution is not valid because they didn't give everything is sad. It's not up to a few people with lots of money to give everything they have to make a difference in the world. It is up to everyone to give some of what they have. The Salwens gave some of what they had - which I think is brilliant as I can accurately imagine the difference their donation has made in many lives in Africa. We are all called to help in some way, and many of us are blessed enough to have quite alot to donate towards the need we feel we resonates with us most. If people stopped going on about hwo much they didn't give and started positively reinforcing what they did give it might help to inspire others to give! Try and see the bright side of this - I'm sure hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Africa are experiencing the bright side of The Power of Half.
Posted by Sarah at 10:59pm on 09.13.2011

Sorry for the typos. I was typing a cell phone.
Posted by Sara at 4:26pm on 09.10.2011

Your family was never taking , they were working hard for what they had. I am glad your family feels good about themselves, but are you really helping society or are you setting a poor example. People need to start helping themselves not expecting help from others. Also your entire family is making money off of this. I am sure you rrealized that might happen,th dad in this family wored for the wall street journal. So,now you make great money, more than before and donate half. Sounds like a modified ponzi scheme. Isee your daughter is still staying at a prestigious out of town school. Thsnks to your prophets. I am glad preaching to others has you fooled into feeling good about yourself, but most kids never had a lift in their room and plenty don,t even have thir own room. I also do agree that your daughter should have helped her less fortunate friend first. Charity begins at home.
Posted by Sara at 4:25pm on 09.10.2011
